Friday, June 16, 2006

I don't normally travel on the Western Line. Had plans to visit Sid's place in Andheri and decided to take the fast Local from Churchgate. The Virar fast local was leaving 5mins before the Borivali fast local. People in Mumbai worship their time, and I thought I'd made a wise move by boarding the earlier one.

I was able to manage quite well until the train reached Dadar. Here's where the term 'can of sardines' loses its efficacy. One can't be better packed than a peak rush-hour Mumbai local train compartment. This was a First Class coach and I had three persons' sweat on my own face. The Veterans were barking instructions to the rookies on how to stand - apparently raising both hands and holding onto the overhead hand grip makes more space available in the compartment, and even more people can board. One person missed getting-off at Bandra station and the crowd snickered, suggesting that he would now get off only at Virar - the last stop.

I told the person beside me that I wanted to get off at Andheri - and people around me sighed loudly. It was sacrilige to be on the Virar train and wanting to get off anywhere in between. But they relented when I told them that I usually travelled on the Central Line. I was standing in the aisle, but had to literally inch my way to the exit. At Andheri, commuters were ready to board, and getting off was a nightmare. I got shoved and pushed and somehow managed to get my feet off the train. As for that gentleman who missed his stop at Bandra, he couldn't get off at Andheri either. He's not boarding the Virar local again, and neither am I.


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